Designed by experienced educators, Reading Eggs harnesses the proven power of the Science of Reading’s five pillars of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.
Through explicit and systematic instruction, highly engaging lessons, motivating rewards, and an easy-to-use interface, students rapidly build essential reading and phonics skills.
Introducing Writing Legends, brought to you by the makers of Reading Eggs! Our NEW systematic writing program offers students an engaging and enjoyable experience learning to write.
With its fun-filled approach and carefully sequenced lessons, students can develop essential writing skills effectively and nurture their inner writers.
Pupils can access Reading Eggs at school, at home and on various devices. It makes learning possible anywhere.
You can use Reading Eggs to set homework and feel confident that pupils will learn key concepts in depth.
Phonemic awareness: Students sharpen sound knowledge with engaging activities that refine distinctions in syllables and phonemes.
Phonics: Carefully sequenced lessons teach students how to hear, segment and blend sounds, while decodable readers allow practice of these skills.
Vocabulary: High-frequency words are taught explicitly and contextualised for instant recognition and 'My Program' books enhance general knowledge.
Comprehension: Scaffolded activities, levelled texts and comprehension quizzes expertly boost understanding of what students read.
Fluency: Inbuilt audio modelling, word activities for automaticity and repeated reading build confidence and proficiency.
Supports core literacy teaching with a simple-to-navigate format.
Explicitly teaches letters and sounds with engaging activities.
Diagnostic test allows students to work at different reading levels within the program.
Students are excited to play and learn to read.
Combines the Science of Reading’s five essential pillars of literacy.
Rapidly develops students’ phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency.
“We decided to spend some of our pupil premium money on Reading Eggs and also set up a daily Reading Eggs breakfast club for children who needed extra support. I gave them the Salford Standard Reading Test before they started attending and after 10 weeks I repeated the test.
The results were staggering. Over a 2 month period 93% of children made accelerated progress making at least 4 months progress in their reading age. A third of pupils made over a 1 year progress with one child going up by 1 year and 6 months.
As well as setting reading tests, we also refer to the Reading Eggs reports which are valuable in helping us monitor individual progress. Teachers can see exactly what the children have got right and wrong which is very useful.”
“What works really well is that all children work at their own level and at their own pace so it doesn't impact negatively on their self‑esteem. In fact, as children have improved in their literacy skills they have become more confident and started to enjoy reading.
Reading Eggs ensures children can't move on until they have understood what they are learning and each activity builds on the next, making the program an effective learning resource. We have seen astonishing results from some children who have made rapid progress with their reading.
Children who didn't enjoy reading previously are much more inclined to read as they perceive it as more fun, particularly where boys are concerned.”
“We bought Reading Eggs because it was great value for money and offered a really comprehensive resource. We started using Reading Eggs about a term and half before SATs and for the first time in the school's history 100% of our pupils achieved level 4 or above in reading this year (2012/2013). Reading Eggs definitely contributed to this fantastic result of which we are very proud. Our children are no longer afraid of reading. They now love to read and because they are reading more their results have improved. Pupils are willing to tackle harder activities because they can see the progression they are making and they enjoy interacting with the program. They are fearless when it comes to reading! With Reading Eggs we've been able to create a 'can do' attitude towards reading throughout our school.”