Trusted and used by over 20 million students worldwide, Reading Eggs is the ultimate tool to inspire independent and confident readers through:
engaging reading lessons, activities and highly motivating rewards, empowering students to strive for progress
captivating, interactive animations and gamified elements to ignite a genuine enjoyment of learning to read
personalised, curriculum-aligned learning experience, building reading comprehension and confidence with each lesson at a level matching each student’s abilities
a digital library of over 4,000 e-books to spark and support a habit of reading for pleasure
See your students’ reading skills visibly improve with just 15 minutes of Reading Eggs a day!
“Reading Eggs is comprehensive and progressive. I have used it as a parent and as a teacher. I would highly recommend it!”– Natalia McMillan, Teacher, Newburgh Primary School, UK
Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn, a junior school in Old Colwyn (Wales), partnered with Reading Eggs to measure its impact across Key Stage 2 students. The goal was to improve the development of reading skills and enhance the progression of reading.
As a result:
Students achieved an average Lexile growth of 121 and a 1.9 increase in their average standardised score.
Students were actively engaged and motivated to take control of their learning.
They spent 115,874 minutes learning with Reading Eggs, completing 2,661 Lessons and competing in 2,674 Stadium games.
Students at the school read 763 books from the online Library during the academic year.
Reading Eggs helped to bridge the gap between school and home learning and enabled parent involvement.
"By merging the process of learning to read and the development of comprehension skills with a gaming type experience, the students feel like they are not doing schoolwork and feel that they are playing and gaming, not realising that they are learning."– David Wynne, Assistant Headteacher, Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn in Wales